Savings Challenge: 100 Envelopes Journey to Financial Stability

Hey guys. Alright, I’m back with my savings challenge book, 100 envelopes. I’ve been done this in a while, probably at least a month. So what do you do? Issue? Can you give me a little checklist for whatever days you’ve put money in your little compartments or sleeves so they’re not labeled one through 100 and then you put that amount of money in each total compartment. So I’ve done this. I did one through. I skip the page. I didn’t realize I skipped the page, but so like the 19, I suppose, put $19 in there. I put 20 in a few of these. I did that. I’m actually 20 to 14. I put 20. You don’t have to do that. But for me, it was easier instead of putting a 10 and four singles or a 10 and six singles, I just put a 20 in there. So I have what? I have 21. So let’s go to the 21 here. That’s 21. I’m really sick in there. That’s all I got this month. Extra. Not even. I don’t even have this extra this month. But let’s put something in here for today. I can get anywhere. Anybody else doing this with me? I will link this below. You don’t have to do this for a year. You don’t have to do it in a few weeks. You could do it whenever you have extra money. And it’s a nice little savings account money that you don’t touch.

I know a lot of us were like, oh, I need an extra 20. Let me pull out of here. I’m not touching this. I just wanna leave it here. I put the money in there and I put this book somewhere and don’t even look at it. I know it’s gonna be hard to fill up these last ones, but it is what it is.

All right, guys, if you wanna join me on the Hundred Envelope Challenge by the time you’re done with dishes? Let’s have $5,050. I’ll probably have more than that because like I said, in the 19,17,16 ones, I put 20s. And I think back here in the 50s, but I did with the fifties. Yeah, in the 49, I put a 50. In the 50, obviously, I put a 50. But don’t. You can and take your time and have a savings. Alright, guys, have a good one.