Unlocking Relationship Compatibility: Exploring Karmic Bonds and Future Directions with the Pendulum

Best people, whether those are karmic relationship, soulmates or twin flames, they activate each other. And when you activate each other, you don’t do it all in one fell swoop. It’s like either merging of your two trees, right? Your two, you know, energy trees, if you will, is very unique and you never know which aspect is gonna activate which aspect, right? But you can definitely check for compatibility with a pendulum, like at least on the scale from zero to 100, how compatible am I with this person? But also our future directions compatible five years, 10 years, twelve, you know, 12 years, 20 years down the road, right? However many. And you can see through the pendulum how compatible you’re gonna be 10 years from now, 20 years from now, 50 years from now. Again, scale zero to 100. That could be like a very quick diagnostic.