Navigating the Challenges of Affordable Housing: Seeking Solutions for Those Facing Evictions and Financial Hardship

It’s even more funny is that the amount of apartment communities who have vacancies, like in my mind, I’m like, what are we gonna do? So if the people can’t afford the rent, if we’re constantly doing evictions and setups, so the apartment is gonna sit, are we gonna lower the ring, change the criteria, like what we’re gonna do? Just, I just really wanna know. And don’t get me wrong, I’m a little person. I’m not a investor, I’m not a builder, I’m not an owner.

I will be one day. We gonna manifest day. But what I’m telling you is, what’s the theory? Is there like a meeting that people have and they’re just saying like, hey, let’s make everybody homeless? Do they have a meeting?

And they’re just like, the Taiwan percent should only live comfortable. There’s no reason why somebody who went to college, got a college degree, got a job, cannot afford to buy food. There is no reason why people can’t afford safe, clean housing. Like, and I have people that tell me daily, like I make posts every day, these posts been doing 100 k views.

Other thousands of comments of people saying they need help. We’re stressed out. So I’m not just saying this from me. Check the stats, like go check the other posts. You got people in there saying like, hey, we’re drowning and it’s almost impossible to get qualified for food stamps.

It’s hard as hell to get in a based on income or affordable housing community cuz everybody has a waitlist. Like there’s so many Roblox, there’s not enough. But that’s why we had a working class group. They were able to pay, but now we can’t pay. So what we gonna do?

Any answers? I just wanna know what these people are thinking. Like do, are they having a round table meeting right now saying like, let’s just Lord of rinse, let’s change the criteria. The pandemic it up. So let’s go ahead and start at 7 people with evictions.

I just wanna know, like, don’t get me wrong, you had an eviction. That’s on you. But at the same time, a lot of people have evictions. I would say , six out of 10 people might have an eviction on a record.

If not eviction, I got landlord debt or utility debt or bankruptcy or foreclosure or repossession. They may have one of them. And the people who don’t have none, good for you. This is not for you. Keep scrolling. This is for my people.

They suffered a hardship between 2018 and now, or it, 2020 to now. Jobs, not job and income not incoming. These jobs want you to do 10 interviews before you even get hired. And you might not even get hired. What are we gonna do? Come it below. Let me know. I wanna know what y’all think.