Debating the Pros and Cons of Renting Out Our Home While Traveling: A Personal Journey to Selling and Simplifying

Why did we not do this? Why did we not simply rent out our house whilst we’re traveling? And the reason for this was we realize that our house actually needed doing up quite a bit to make it ventable, and the fact that there is so many risks in this, what if our person we’re inventing to trash the house and we had to deal with that. If something broke in the house and having to pay the estate agent to sort all of that out. And it just seemed a little bit nerve wracking. And we just looked at and the pros and and cons and the cons kind of outweighed it, being so far away from home and not being able to manage it. And it also, we did have an emotional attachment to the property as well as the free girls were born into it. I found it pretty hard to go, we’ll rent it out to someone and that person could ultimately trash it. Or also the fact that the something could break in it and we are responsible for that. And being so far away, we just didn’t feel that it was something that we wanted to continue back in the UK so we just jumped all in, solve the property, and that is what made us be able to do what we are doing. But it was something that we definitely visited when we were planning our travel of keeping the, keeping our property and renting it out to have an extra source for income, but we also thought if we, it was empty for a while, so we didn’t have someone renting out, we would then have to cover the cost of the mortgage and have costs on top of that because there wouldn’t be anyone in it. So we just felt a little bit too risky. We sold up and we took it all and we’re now traveling, and it was the best thing. And I’m so glad we didn’t rent it out.