Title: Inside the World of Twig Bot: Adventures in Streaming, Hedgehog Gifts, and Twark Nation

I’m twig bot. I play a whole variety of games and I go live just about every day.

I love TikTok Live for the discoverability. I feel like you just don’t get the same exposure, you don’t get the same feeling of community on certain other streaming platforms that you do on TikTok. The gifts are fun. You get a hedgehog coming across your screen and it’s like, you don’t get that with other places. Like, I love hedgehogs. I like the hedgehog representation. My favorite part about my community is, well, everything, obviously. But if I had to think of one specific thing, I really love our inside jokes that we have. They really just get my humor. The one that I never forget is when I get snarky on stream, my chat calls me twarge, not twig. If I get sassy, people be like, oh, here comes toward is coming out. And so somebody made that edit, ema cowboy hat, mustache, gift and in like western font. And it’s literally what in Twark Nation, even if you’re streaming to like zero people act like you have a bunch of people in chat and just say every thought that comes into your head as you’re playing. You never know who’s lurking without actually clicking into your live. And if you seem entertaining and engaging, that will inspire somebody to click in. And I literally loved Fly Fest. The event was so much fun and I got to meet all of my streamer besties. IRL getting to actually have some of the greatest friends I’ve had in my life thus far. So thank you for that. TikTok.