Summer Soundtrack Drama: Songs of the Season and Unspoken Alliances

What’s the song in the Summer?

Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter. I have two answers. I have a song of the summer and songs of the summer. That’s a great.

Addition. Yeah, make your own rules. That’s alright. I didn’t like spend time being like, sorry.

Did you want me to do it? You.

Wanted. I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed. I feel like this goes.

Back to you being a bad person. Can I talk to you for a second off camera? Yeah, let’s go. I don’t like this. What’s wrong? I want people to think I’m a good person. Hey, guys, I’m just getting honest. Can.

I talk to you guys off camera as well? Yeah, let’s go guys. Can I actually sidebar with like the 3:00? Yeah, like every day. Okay. I’m not sure if I’m gonna like use any of this footage. I just like feel like I’m wasting my time and like, oh, my mom’s calling me. One second. My dog flooded. That wasn’t a phone. My. Your dog flooding? My gecko is like really pregnant right now and he has a dentist appointment and I just totally realize that I forgot about it.

Even you’re blowing this for us. I don’t know why, but I think you’re lying. I.

Also don’t know why you think I’m lying. I think cuz she’s a bad person. It’s really hard to work with someone.

Like that. Honestly. We’re braver than Marines for it. Can I talk to you for a second? Absolutely. Off camera. I don’t like.

We can’t do this right in the middle. I don’t trust them.

No, I don’t trust them one bit.

Let’s make an alliance. I like that. Next tribal council.

Next tribal. Eva’s gotta go. She’s causing some major problems in the tribe, but.

Feel like she might win immunity?

No, she’s not gonna be able to do that. Look at her.

Yeah, yeah, she’s.

No chance. What’s going on? We had a Ross, Rachel, where you guys are doing that. I didn’t get to say my songs and song of the summer.