Shift Cam Snap Grip Creator Kit: The Ultimate Starter Kit for Content Creators!

Hey, boo, do you wanna become a influencer and start making your own content? Girl, I have the perfect starter kit for you because you do not wanna be like me when I first started, I was just placing my phone wherever I could place it. And one time I placed it like in a flat surface like this and the speakers like it. You could not hear no audio and I had to restart that whole video was so annoying, but not anymore because I am gonna show you this kit. This is the only thing you need if you wanna start creating content it and making it easier on yourself. Okay, you need this. So I’m gonna go ahead and open it.

This is a shift cam snap grip creator kit. I’ll link it right here so you can go get yours because girl, you need it just to make it life easier. So let me open it and show you what all it comes with. So this is what it looks like once you open it. It has its little charger thing right here. It has its tripod. We’ll get into this. And then the thing that connects to the tripod. So if you’re blogging or if you just need to sit your phone somewhere to do like that, you’re better with me. You would use this. So you would open this up and then this screws on here like so. And I believe this kit is, it sticks to your phone with a magnet. So you need an iPhone 12, I believe in up in order for it to like work with your phone. But you screw it on here and you could either place it right here, your phone will be stuck right here, and you could do it like here. And then do you like your videos, everything you need to do. But you can also close it and hold it like this. And I love that it moves. It’s flexible. So if you need different angles and all that, it’ll move and it stays there.

Okay, now let’s talk about this little piece right here. So first it comes in its little protective case. So it’s protected at all times. And it looks like a little camera, but what you do is right here, it’ll stick to your phone. It connects through Bluetooth and you can control everything. You can control your phone through this. We’ll take you pictures and all that stuff. But again, it’ll go here and it also charges your phone. So if you’re out and about and you’re doing like a vlog or whatever it may be, and you need a charger and you have one you can literally uses as your equipment and it’ll charge your phone. So that’s a 2 and 1 and we love that.

But another tray on top is it has a little ring light. This is a little ring light and grow it is powerful. So if you don’t wanna, it attaches. See how it’s magnetic? So it attaches there, it attaches here. So you can use it wherever, right? So it opens up. So you can use it like this or you can open it and kind of play with the, dependent on where you want lighting.

But it has this little setting right here, this little button. I mean, and you push it and it’ll turn it on. So it has different light settings. It has 4. So this is the first one, this is the second one, third and fourth. So it has very good lighting for it being so small and compact. Even if you just want to like put this in your purse, use it for like a different purpose, you can totally do that. But let me show you how it looks in the dark. Alright, so this is the first setting. This is the second setting, third and fourth. So let’s say I want to put it on here and block myself. You know, I can do that. And look, it’s very bright. I absolutely love that. You know, it’s very compact and it’s does its job. It’s not like other little ring lights that are like the light is birdie there. So I will have this linked right here with a little shopping cart is that if it’s not, there’s gonna be in my bio, but I will look to see if I have a code point. It’ll be right here to save you some money and get you going.

Because, girl, I know how difficult and confusing it can be to start content creating and not knowing what to get, how much to spend. So this is a very good starter kit. I wish I would have this when I first started because like the beginning of the intro, I had so many videos that were like that, but this is how it will look like that. So you could use that piece for like a singular or you can attach it to the tripod. But again, it’ll be linked right here. And okay, choose girl. Let’s create some content with this.