Counting Your Way to Calm: A Breathwork Technique for Easing Racing Thoughts and Finding Inner Peace

Everyone’s gonna interact with breathwork in a different way, but one of the ones that I love when my thoughts are running wild is one that brings in counting because it sort of distracts your mind and helps you focus in on your body. A great way to start a practice like this, and feel free to adapt it for you, is to breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. And start with breathing in for account 1, breathing out for account of 2, breathing in for account of two, breathing out for account of three, and so on, all the way up to five or to 10 and then back down the opposite direction. So if you do this with me, now breathe in through your nose for kind of one. Breathe out for kind of two, breathe in for two, breathe out for three, breathe in for 3, read out for 4, and so on. And I already feel my system distressing. It’s such a good one to use in the entire time, I didn’t think about anything except counting. Give that a try. Let me know how it works for you. And know that also there are a million different ways to change your relationship to your emotions in your body.