TikTok Shop Haul: Beauty and Fashion Finds for Travelers

All right, y’all. TikTok just told me to make a video and I could not be more excited to make this video free, y’all. Okay, I’m a traveler, y’all. I keep promising y’all I’m gonna give you all the travel content. I just need to post it, I guess.

But really, I’d be like, I need to sit down and edit it and figure out how I feel about it and strategize how I wanna push it out, pick a day, all of that. That’s who I am anyways. I say all that to say if you know me, you know I am a so degenero girly. Yes, I am. And I travel with it all the time, baby, to the point whereby I am missing pieces of both of these sets.

So you know what that means. It’s time for us to get Arifa. That said, I have no chill when I tell you all this. I know I’ve been talking for 40 some seconds, but guess what?

They don’t sell y’all and they don’t sell for the lowest prices I’ve ever seen is $25. I’ve never seen that. Set for $25 is always $30 or 36 if you get it from Soul degenero.com. Okay. But if you’re getting it out of Sephora, I’ve always seen it for $30, baby.

It’s in TikTok shop for 25. Why? For deals for you days. So make sure y’all hit that deals for you days. Y’all miss the left day for them, bills for you days.

That said, I do want you to go ahead and look for this little outfit. Yeah, get it too. Wiki in two week. It comes in gray and pink stink and they come in a set of three.

So there’s also like a black, white and gray set. I believe that’s it. I know y’all see these black hangers in all my videos. These are in TikTok shop as well. They are also available. Okay, let me see.

This whole little rack right here is inside a TikTok shop. So that said, y’all stay tuned for more of what I think is hot. This is in TikTok shop. I literally just posted a video about this is smudge proof, y’all. Smudge proof. Okay. It’s waterproof, y’all, and it lasts for a 1,440 minutes.

That is 24 Hours. Isn’t that kind of jazzy how they named it? 1440? I like that. Y’all know I’m into the Angels numbers, so I’m all with it. So that’s it.

Everything that I talked about in this video will be available in the links down below. So go ahead and tap them, bro. Kate in this video would have showing y’all everything. So these are the 1440s as you see, it says long wear eyeliner, long wear cuz it’s supposed to last for 1440 minutes.

I just told you that equates to 24 hours because I really want you to get some value out of my content. I did my lip liner with the wonder skin lip stain, the stain and go. And I did it with the whimsical. I made my line real thick. Okay.

And you know, when you’re just looking at me, it look good. But when you open, close, you could see you don’t have to be perfect to make this look good. Okay? It look good even when I’m right here, you know, it’s not until you like up on me, you like, oh, you love cricket. Stay in your lane on my mind.

Anyways, these are also available down below in the gloss that I use is from free and I believe they’re down there too. Free sent me a whole bunch of stuff and I was trying to figure out how we partner. When we partner with, we talk. Cuz I swore we had a conversation cuz the product is showed up to my house and I know I buy these y’all and I cannot find. I can’t find y’all.

So I’m tag y’all. No, I’m keep posting about y’all. Thank you. Free. I love you. Thank you for sending them to me.

Okay, everybody, if you sent me something, you’re, I promise you your post is coming. Babe. Love you. That’s it. If I haven’t already posted about you several times, it’s just because I really don’t know where these messages are. I’m looking for y’all. But like I said, it’s a lot.

I can literally take screenshots and y’all see like the messages that TikTok sends me anyway every day. Hence why we making this video right now. TikTok ask me to make this. Y’all, like I say, I want to give y’all more value in my concept. I guess TikTok can see that.

They can see how many times I’ve been posting and trying to get something up. I’m impatient. So when I don’t go viral, I take it down. So that’s why I’m telling y’all, if y’all see my video, you gotta do what I say at ASAP. Because, baby, first of all, they sell it out real quick, okay?

Everybody is seeing these products. I’m not the only one that thinks they’re hot. But once I say that they’re hot, other people are like, okay, bye.

And yeah, people are posting about it, buying it and selling out. All of these things are happening. So if you want them, you want to try them, you think you want to use them for the summer before they be gone for the whole month of July, baby? Go ahead and tap the link down below. Cuz that’s no lie.

That’s it. Like I said, I am pushing to give y’all as much value as possible in my content. So stay tuned because I’m looking and I’m striving to give you all more and more all through 2024. I told you when we started this year. Okay? Okay. That said, y’all stay on.

Y’all Gran, continue to shine. Cuz you no one gonna stay on, man. And I’m gonna love you just the way you are my superstars because this is how I am this man Jenny. And that’s it. That’s our y’all. I gotta go make some of cats in. And this is already 5 minutes long. Bye.