Monthly Sam’s Club Haul: Dog Food, Bedding, Treats, and More!

Hello from Mexico. Come with us for our monthly shopping trip to Sam’s Club. But first, a little disclaimer. Our preference is to buy as much as we can locally, but we specifically have to come to Sam’s Club for dog food. But today we also got some extra items. So I just wanted to give you guys an idea of what that looks like. So we have six dogs, and one of them has really sensitive skin. So this is the food that works best for him. And we can only get it here. So we buy that every month here at Sam’s Club. And then there are other items like the baby wipes that will get every couple of months.

As a side note, does anyone else’s family try to buy ridiculous items that you don’t need, like a beverage fridge or a popcorn maker. Just kidding. They weren’t serious. Well, they might have been about the popcorn maker.

Also, Diego said that this bathroom rug was extremely soft. Today I found a quilt set that I really like. So I decided to treat myself and you know, you’re an adult when you get excited about bedding. I also needed to change out our pillows, and so I did get this two pack of pillows. We also came across these flip flops and Diego asked if he could get a pair. So I did agree to let him get one pair. And it wouldn’t be Sam’s Club without samples. These are their cinnamon donuts, and they actually make them on site. They’re really good. And Fidel actually sat down to enjoy his donut. And here’s the thing about my husband. If there is something in the store that he can sit on and test out, he will sit on it and test it out. And I mean everything. He sat on literally every piece of furniture that they had available to test out. But it’s nice because we have someone local that makes furniture and like couches in that. So we can get an idea of what we like. But then we can have our local person make it for a new house.

This is another item that we buy in bulk, chocolate milk mix. It’s Dominic’s favorite. The other thing that we buy in bulk is milk. This is shelf stable milk. And this is the one that our family prefers. So today we got two boxes of this. Dominic was really excited. I also go by the, I guess it’s like clearance shelf. And today I actually found some chia seeds, which is really good in agua de lemon. So we got some chia seeds and honestly, they’ll probably last us about six months this time. They also wanted to get some instant oatmeal, so we got a box of that as well.

Another item we get here frequently is ranch dressing. And typically I get two bottles. But this time, Diego made a compelling argument about us always running out. So I agree to buy 3. Now we can find ranch stressing locally, but it does not taste the same. And these guys are pretty particular. So I just get it here. We also decided to splurge a little and get some ice cream. And after debating for about 10 minutes, we ended up getting strawberry, vanilla and lemonade. The other thing that I came across that I haven’t come across in our Sam’s Club before was iced coffee. So I did get too because I love ice coffee.

The last thing that we found was this Mickey Mouse hoodie that Diego really liked. So we got in the Mickey Mouse city again, the items that you saw us get today are not items we buy every month, except for the dog food. Here’s the thing, everyone is different. So while we don’t prefer to do regular shopping in these big chain stores, others may, and that’s okay. And this was our total. And yes, I cried a little inside when I saw this. Have a good night.