Empowering Creatives: Leveraging AI for Time Management and Content Creation

When I use AI, I try to think about like, how can I create more time for myself and do what I love, which is being a creative. There’s a lot of AI tools that can take your long form videos and make it into short form snippets. Now, if I had this back in the day when I was trying to be a Youtuber, I mean, shoot, I would be so much more successful. Cuz like it takes so long for editing. It’s the future and I’m the secret sauce to my brand. AI can never have my personality. I don’t care how much I train it, it can never have this. But what I can train it to help me do is alleviate the stress of the tedious things that are taking me so long to do when I can just spend more time. I’m just being the creative.