Manifest: An 8 Step Process to Create Your Desires

Here is my 8 step process for manifesting anything that you want. And I call this the manifest to make it easier to remember. It spells out the word manifest and each letter in the word is one of the steps in the process.

Let’s start with massive clarity. You can’t ask for what you want. You can’t decide you’re gonna have something if you don’t know what it is. So your first step is always to get clarity around what it is that you desire to have, either specifically or in general, a advanced gratitude. So you’re not gonna ask for what you want because you don’t have to ask for it. This, the second you decide you get to have it, it’s yours. So rather than asking, you’re gonna advance gratitude. You’re gonna thank the universe in advance for having this thing show up in your life.

N is now decides you’re worthy. One of the biggest reasons we don’t get what we want is because we don’t feel worthy of having it. So you gotta get rid of anything that says you’re not worthy. You were born worthy. You were always gonna be worthy no matter what, and nothing can ever change that. So now decide you’re worthy. I is inner work. So no matter what you want, there’s always gonna be inner work involved in getting it. And a lot of that is getting rid of limiting beliefs, old stories, nonsense things that you’ve been told or taught or that you’ve told yourself about why you don’t get to have it, why it’s not possible, why it won’t happen, etc. The inner work is so important when it comes to manifesting the things that you want, especially if you have internal baggage or just kind of chaos going on that says this isn’t gonna happen for you, deal with it, let it go, get rid of it.

In our work, F is feel it. You have to feel the internal emotional state of the thing you want if you want it to come into your life. So whatever emotions you believe that you’re gonna feel when you have that thing, create those emotions inside yourself right now and do that over and over again so that when you already feel it, you’ll be a vibrational match to receiving it.

E is expect to receive. You have to expect that the thing you want is going to happen, this or something better. And if you don’t expect it, deal with any of the stuff that says you shouldn’t expect this to happen, right? Again, inner work. So expect to receive, if you believe, if you are doing the actions to be a vibrational match and you are taking inspired action as you feel call to, then the expect is going to happen, right? You can expect to receive because you’re doing all the things required for you to receive s is show up for your life. One of the big reasons people don’t get what they want is they get so attached to it, they get so caught up in it that they let everything else go and they just get so focused on this thing. So live your life right? Show up for your life. Do the things you would do if you weren’t worried about it, if you weren’t trying to make it happen. And as you do that, you get the inspired nudges, you get the ideas for things to do and you show up to be the version of you who has the thing already trust and keep going. You don’t know how long something is gonna take, so you have to just trust that if you’re doing your part, it will eventually show up. So just trust and keep going and don’t stop until you get what you want or something even better.