Uncovering Adrenal Fatigue: A Deep Dive into Lab Results and Treatment Plans

This is the most adrenal fatigue patient I’ve ever seen, and I’m gonna show you her lab work. So this mother is struggling to get out of bed. She’s struggling to play with her family. She’s struggling to have a relationship with her husband. Very sad state of affairs here. But she came to us and was asking for help she knew we could give her some answers and we could also get her going in the right direction.

So this is what we first did. I first tested her blood levels of her cortisol. So there’s your cortisol and there’s your blood levels. Drawn in the morning. And her blood levels were 5.5. Can you believe that? So way too low. Per adrenals aren’t even producing enough adrenal hormone, cortisol. Then we decided to look deeper into her pattern of adrenals using a Dutch test. So here’s the adrenal gland produces two main things, DHA and cortisol. DHA is still low. Cortisol is that low. Absolutely. And then what happens is we also can see that she has more energy at night time than she does during the day of the morning. So she can’t get out of bed in the morning, but she stays up later at night to get stuff done. This patient needs a lot of work. If you know somebody who’s struggling with adrenal fatigue or so much exhaustion with unexplained issues, let me know. I’m about to do some viral testing on this patient and I cannot wait to see what we’re gonna come up with. She has infections. She has other stuff going on and other stressors. And that’s what we do. Find the cause and then go after it.