Title: The Twisted Tales of John Baron, Neo-Nazi Rehab, and Elon Musk’s Twitter Drama

Okay, guys, so I don’t know if you know this, but back in the 1980s and early 90s, Donald Trump, when he was a, you know, gadfly, New York real estate developer, used to reach out to Page six in the New York Post, you know, different news organizations and tabloids and say that he was John Baron, a different character who was supposed to be like a publicist and plant positive stories about Donald Trump as John Baron, b a R O n, which happens to weirdly enough be his son’s first name. But that’s the thing he used to do all the time. Like he would pretend to be this other character, John Baron, and call, and be like Donald Trump is, you know, he’s got the most amazing girlfriend. He’s the most incredible, be the state developer ever. He’s the most amazing person. He’s incredibly tall, has really big feet and really big hands and all kind of. What is that he would like play at these stories as John Barrett. Okay, so, okay, so today on X Twitter, someone named Andrew Dickman, who is totally not Elon Musk, was on one of their like lives or whatever they call their ex Twitter lives spaces. I think they call it Twitter spaces or X space, whatever they call it spaces. Trying to rehabilitate neo Nazi baby Tuckham’s Nick faintest, the little neonati kit, the head of the gropers. They’re like a in cell army of neo Nazi in cells. So he tries to. This is the same neo Nazi guy who had lunch with Donald Trump and Kanye West. Akayay. They all have double names. At Mar Lago, causing a brief uproar because nothing causes an uproar strong. Anyway, here is Andrew Ditman who’s told us trying to rehabilitate and advise neo Nazi grayper, Encel King or insult Prince, I guess cuz he’s young. Insult Prince. Nick Fuentes. How not to hurt Elon Musk on next Twitter take, listen.

A certain thing on this platform in the eyes of the media and the sentiment that they spin, it’s like because X brought you back. It’s like it almost falls onto him in a certain extent. So you have to keep that in mind as well because you’d be doing reputational damage to him and the platform if you post certain stuff like, you know, do, do, don’t go full county west. That’s probably not a good idea. Something like that. Perhaps keep the controversial docs to minimum. That’s really the only message that I have, honestly. If I were to say one thing, definitely don’t go down that path, you know, just try, try to be a bit more, you know, balanced if that is possible and realize that in fact, what you’re having, what you’re doing is gonna have a substantial impact. And this is only the first day of probably many days. So keep that in mind.

Very well. Well, very well.

Normal individual. I mean, I am on the spectrum. So I think probably that’s the abnormality there.

No, I totally now you’re right. And I’m, I don’t want it to fire, to backfire on Elon because I do respect him and I respect what he’s done. I recognize to predict him and he’s in and kind of unique opportunity that’s posed here. And so if there ever a time to get smart, so to speak, there’s a do over, now is the time. I recognize that. So I will take great care. You know, I, I am, I’m an impulsive individual, but I’ll restrain myself cuz you’re right, it’s important. And I don’t break laws. I’ve not. I’ve never broken laws. And I’m not here to. You’re up chaos. I’m just here to, I’m actually in a way, the balance, you know, on the other side is this elephant, you know, which is Daily Wire, Prager, you, Fox News, your.

If it wasn’t Nazis, it would be hilarious.