Debunking the Myth of Being ‘Born in the Wrong Body’: Understanding Gender Dysphoria and Respectful Language

Excuse me. Hello? Are you trans? Yes, I am. You are.

So brave. I could not imagine being born in the wrong body.

You know what? Me neither. Nothing about my body is wrong. Gender dysphoria is the discomfort or distress one has between their truth gender and their gender assigned to birth.

The phrase born in the wrong body is commonly used to describe gender dysphoria, but it has implications.

CIS gender people and gender educators should not use this phrase because it implies that there is something inherently wrong about transgender identity and our bodies which is harmful and untrue.

If a trans are non binary person says that they were born in the wrong body, that’s up to them.

Self description is.

Valid. Making space for people to affirm their gender in whatever way resonates with them is crucial for everyone and proven by research to be life saving for many transgender folks.

Keep in mind that no one owes you an explanation of their gender. Item energy.

And using inclusive and respectful language is a great way to make sure that your intentions match your impact. Smarter Vincent.