Adjusting Sensory Mats: Finding the Right Fit for Changing Needs

It’s time to change out my sensory mats. My sensory needs fluctuate. And at the moment, these highly tactile sensory mats are just too overstimulating for my needs. Good thing I have options. Let’s pack these away.

There’s the stash. Now what am I feeling? This one for sure. Oh, let’s cut these away while I’m here. Let me know if you want a link for these mini maps. By the way, they’re like a fiver per map. Imagine that on your desk.

Second box. I’m taking that one out. Let’s do one more. Yeah, I’m gonna do this one. Now. You’re probably thinking, Dotty, didn’t you just put that matter away? Yes, I did, but I put the firm version away. This is the soft one. It’s less tactile sensory input, so it’ll suit my needs better right now. Back in. Now let’s set these up. I really like these colors together. This one on the end, last one. And my new sensory map setup is complete.