Unlocking the Zero Method: How to Attract High-Ticket Clients Through Tailored Content Strategy

You’re creating content, spending hours doing it and you’re still not attracting the ideal client that you wanna work with. You find that people are giving you the excuses that your prices are too expensive and they can’t for to work with you or other objections about needing to talk to someone about it to figure out if they can do this or not. And at this point, you’re just super frustrated.

So what I wanna do is walk you through the exact process that I use to find and sign the high ticket client that I desire to work with from my social media, from my TikTok, from my Instagram, from my Facebook, how I’m able to put out content and actually get people who are willing to give me 10,000,20,000,$30,000 upfront and full on calls. I’m gonna break this down for you in this video in a way I know for a fact that you have never heard before. It’s going to be so fundamental, it’s gonna be broken down so easily that you will be able to leave this video. And I know for a fact the light bar will go off and this will immediately impact your business. So lock in on this right now and make sure you save this video so that you do not lose this information cuz it’s next level. Okay, so I call this my zero method. And the zero method is all about honing in on the person that you’d like to work with and deflecting or detracting the people you are not interested in working with. And so the zero method is when you add a zero to the quality of your content. Hear me out on this because it’s next level what you wanna do is take the No. 2 and you wanna add a zero to it and keep adding a zero until that number reflects what you’d like to get paid. So for example, if I don’t add a zero, it’s $2. If I add a zero, it’s $20. If I add another zero, it’s 200. Another 0,2,000, another zero, 20,000. And so then what I’ll do is I will assign a pain point to each of those numbers according to what I know the pain point is for each of those types of evaluations. What’s a two dollar problem? What’s a 20 dollar problem? What is a 200 dollar problem? What’s a 2,000 dollar problem? And what is a 20,000 dollar problem? Attaching a pain point or problem to each of those numbers is then how you figure out the type of content you have to say to attract that person who has that pain point designated to that certain price point that you wanna get paid.

So if I use my niche as an example, a two dollar problem might just be how do I use TikTok? That’s like a 2 dollar problem because you can pretty much Google that, find it out anywhere else, or you can actually get the app yourself and actually figure it out over time. I’m on your own. You don’t even need to hire someone for that. So it’s really not that big of a problem when it’s something that you can pretty much solve pretty quickly.

A 20 dollar problem might be, how do I edit my videos on TikTok for the clients who’ve never really edited or tried to learn those jump cuts to clean up their videos, they don’t know how to edit that. So that’s a 20 dollar problem where someone might say, I’ll buy this PDF or I’ll buy this online course or maybe they’ll still even Google it because you can do that or you can go to YouTube to figure out how to do this. And so they’ll either pay that $20 and invest that money or invest a little bit more time to figure out how to edit because it’s really not that hard of a problem. It’s not that difficult for them to solve, but it is still harder than actually starting a TikTok account.

A 200 dollar problem might be, how do I get more followers? How do I get more people who wanna watch my content and would be interested in what I’m talking about, about my business, my service, my product. Like how do I actually try to find that person to follow me? A 2,000 dollar problem would be how do I find someone who wants to follow me who’s also someone who cares about the business and the service I have to offer, who might actually want to buy something from me. And that’s more focused on attracting the ideal client you’d like to work with instead of just getting a bunch of random followers, you’re actually filtering through that and honing in the quality of the follower that it’s actually following you. This is a little bit more nichen, this is a little bit more specific. This is definitely a bigger problem if you’re someone who’s trying to monetize on this platform.

And finally, we have the 20,000 dollar offer. This person already gone to TikTok. They know how to edit their videos. They already know or have gained a lot of followers, maybe even niche in their followers and hone them in further. So they’ve got an ideal clientele sitting on their page.

But now this person is having a hard time getting this person to convert either automatically to get something at the top of their page and purchase directly from there, or to get this person to go through their sales funnel and book a call with them to sell them a high ticket offer. And maybe they’ve gotten a few of those. They’ve gotten some automatic sales. They’ve gotten someone who’s been able to book a call and they’ve taken sales calls. But now they’re struggling on those sales calls to articulate their worth and value and get people who are willing to pay their price. That, my friend is a 20,000 dollar offer.

So when I am thinking about the content that I’d like to make, I use the zero method and add as many zeros as I need to attract the person who has the price point that I’d like to make. And if I wanna sign the 20,000 dollar client, then I’m thinking about what their pain point is, what their struggle is, and what they need help with. And then that’s the content that I am curating and creating on a consistent basis to pull that person in.

I’m really hoping that the light bulb is going off here and that this was a game changer for you, if this was valuable for you. I do live coaching two times a week, every single week, where I talk about this, along with making sales, creating proper offers for your business to monetize them online and actually attracting the ideal client you desire to have to make those 10 or 20 or 30,000 dollar months that you truly desire to have. If you are interested, we’ll go from there. As always, you’re welcome.