Crucial Factors for D1 College Camp Success: Grades, Tools, and General Makeup

In this video, I’m gonna talk to you about what D1 college coaches are looking for if you attend their college camp. I’m gonna list out four things. So here we go. And also make sure to save this post for later. So the first thing, guys, you’re not gonna like it, but grades, yes, you have to have good grades. I’m not gonna dive too deep into this one because it’s pretty self explanatory. The next most important thing that they look for are tools and the flashy ones that are hot right now in today’s game are throwing hard and hitting for power. And honestly, the best way to get on their radar during these college camps, if you run like a sub 6,7,60. So, yes, running fast can get the attention of college coaches.

The third most important thing that these college coaches look for is general makeup. Are you getting from station to station with a sense of urgency? Are you getting to the camp early?