A Detailed Tour of Our Community Thrift Store: From Clothing and Decor to Food Pantry and Kids’ Corner

Alright, so when you come in this front door, you’re gonna see probably me or another volunteer hanging out at our desk. Keep com thrift on. You’ll see our lovely mural and our fundraiser thermometer. We’ve got men’s clothes that start here and move to this second rack as well.

I always try to post our science in English and Spanish because we have many Spanish speaking families that come in, got men’s shoes and men’s shorts under this rack and then children’s books and randomly some vinyl records. Today, you never know. I’ve got women’s pants, skirts and dresses and maternity clothes up here. And then down below are some underwear, socks and bras and women shorts. Next, that is our linen’s corner, which was full earlier today, but as we are at the end of the day now, it’s quite empty.

But this is where we keep towels and pillowcases, sheets, bedding, blankets, washcloths, things like that swing into some decor over here. These are just miscellaneous items on our shelves. Oftentimes. This is home decor, pictures, little knick knacks. Oh, this is little, like a oil dispenser. Oh my gosh. I actually don’t know what this is.

Shoo wild. Got lots of little miscellaneous boxes. Basically, your junk drawer at home sort of becomes this shelf. And we also get some cool Paw Patrol thingy. My babes, look at these.

I’m surprised these things are still here today, but I’m sure they’ll find a home tomorrow. We have hats and scarves up here, cute thingies. And this is our guest area so people can drink fresh water and heat something up to e. We have some snacks down here, some soups, Mac and cheese, ramen, and some eating utensils. So we always like keep a few things in there in case somebody is hungry right now and needs to eat.

And then we have instant coffee and the hot water from our freshwater jugs, so people can have free coffee and use the Wi Fi while they shop. In the middle is all the women’s tops. We definitely get more women’s clothing and men’s. So we’ve got all these women’s tops here. We’ve got CDs, books and some movies, mostly VHS.

We do get some DVDs from time to time. They go very fast, not fling around here to the other side of our cubes. More home decor. If we get something really fun, like last week, we got like 50 plants. So we cleared this space and made a nice display of plants.

Over here is our sorting area. So this is where the magic happens with our volunteers. We have a little chore chart so we can keep track of things that we’ve done.

And yes, so we’re sorting by size, paint hangers, cleaning supplies. Here’s our food pantry, kitchen and bathroom. So in here, you’re gonna find like hygiene products as we have them. Whoa, randomly, I haven’t been in here today. Look at this. Not a bad thing to get for free. Fancy toothpaste, fancy hair colors.

We even have a little microwave today. That’s nice. Whatever this coffee maker is, it is not a curing. Can tell you that much. Popcorn maker and then food. This was again stocked quite well a few hours ago, but we’re very busy from day to day. So all that stuff has come and gone and tomorrow more will come.

Always lots of dried beans so people will not starve, that’s for sure. You can always find something here. Then around this corner, we have our kids and shoes. Niños y zapatos. We have youth clothing and then we have a bunch of hangers cuz we need some kids clothes to get donated, but it will come.

We have kids up to toddler, more toddler. We have toys in our little toy chest. We even have someone here today, but looks like we may have cleared out some of the broken pieces and stuff that went there before. Usually it’s quite full of random Legos and little bits for car racing, like the little slides and whippets and do dance that fling cars around.

We also have a bathroom that we keep open to the public. So you need to use the restroom? No problem. Need to clean up a little bit. We have a Biday. Just come and ask.

Back at our desk here, we have a box that people can donate money in if they want to. And we do have like a little card reader so people can donate that way as well if they have a debit or credit card. But all that really is optional. Everything is free. You pay whatever you want. People shop here for free every single day.