The Journey Beyond Death: Insights from the Spirit Realm

When you die, what happens when you go through the light? It’s a good question. And the answer is found in a very interesting study in human consciousness were two doctors and a hypnotherapist who separately started to study patients who were in a trance like hypnotic state. This is where the conscious mind takes a backseat and the subconscious or superconscious mind takes over. Now, it was the super conscious mind that started to share some very interesting things. Keep in mind, these patients are in this deep trance. They don’t know what they’re saying. Patients start describing their past lives and then go to the point of death in that life and continue to tell the story of what happens to them after they died in that life. After conducting thousands of these studies, they found that no matter what their beliefs were in their normal consciousness, when they were put into the state, they would all describe what happened after they died in the exact same way. And here’s what they said.

First thing that happens is you float above your body. You still are here in this earth plane, but just in a more ethereal version of it. And you do have free will. So you can float around, you can do what you want, you can hang out, you can comfort your loved ones. They call them like energetic hugs, where you like feel the presence of someone. Most people actually do visit them memorial services. And after that, they go towards the light and into the spirit realm, which is like the doorway to the spirit realm or just a different dimension. Death is not the end. It just continues on. In the spirit realm, they’re greeted by their soul, family, people they’ve absolutely loved in many lifetimes. It’s like the most epic family reunion you could imagine.

They then do a life review. How did I do in this life? Because you set yourself up for specific things to grow as a soul, things that happen to you in life. Do you see, how did I do? Did I learn? Did I grow? Did I evolve as a soul in this lifetime? Or could I use a little bit of work? There’s no judgment or punishment. Bad lifetimes are taken to a place of isolation, and there’s rehabilitation done on the soul.

After the review, you then choose your next life, choose where you’re born, when you’re born, you choose your parents. You make these things called soul agreements with different souls. Like, for example, hey, how about your, my parents in this next life, and I’ll be your son or daughter, make sole agreements with your soulmates to meet up at specific times and places in that lifetime. You have around 15 souls in your soul family that you reincarnate with in multiple lifetimes. You choose your next life based on how you can grow and evolve most as a soul. You might have a few potential parents to choose from. You finally make the choice. You have up until the last minute, just before that baby is born, to make that choice, do we do this life again? If yes, you sh go into that baby’s body and you do this all over again. So, yes, as much as you do or don’t like your life, you did choose this one for your greatest soul growth.

So ask yourself, in every situation, what am I learning and growing from this moment that’ll help you not get stuck in those karmic cycles? This research was published in Doctor Michael Newton’s book, journey of Souls, Doctor Brian Mice’s book, Many lives, many Masters, and Dolores Cannon’s book, Between Death and life. I’m gonna be sharing more about the spirit realm because it goes deep and it’s very interesting. So if you wanna stick around, follow for more.