Title: Unlocking Opportunities: The Future of AI Agents and SaaS Integration for Businesses

The biggest opportunities is creating the Saas, creating super niche AI to become an AI agents to where you’re learning skill sets and expertise and to become an expert, essentially there’s different degrees and levels of expert, but you know, your goal is to be able to know more than 90% of people. So you have a value to where you can teach them. And so I’ve been studying a lot of the AI agents doing a console sweep people and figuring out, okay, what is it that people really need? And for the most part, people want to figure out how to orient AI in their businesses, but it starts at a foundational level by explaining to them what AI is, doing deep concerts with them and understanding their businesses, and then having a plan to implement AI. And that’s a whole entire business and job. And there’s not enough agents out there that can help people integrate AI in their businesses yet.

There’s people that’s watching this right now. They need AI integrated in their businesses and they’re doing a lot of manual test still that could be automated. And this process of automation is not a simplistic process where you just snap your fingers and it’s done. It’s deeply learning your business the same way you will put together your brand guides, the same way you will put together your human resource guy, saying where you will look at what is your framework for your business, how does it work? And getting AI to understand that.