Unlocking the Complexities of Calorie Deficit: Understanding the Intricacies of Human Metabolism and Weight Loss Plateaus

I’m in a dev set, but I’m not losing weight or what used to work for me in a dev set isn’t working. So something’s wrong with my body. What this tells me, and don’t worry, this is very normal, is that you understand the concept of a calorie deficit at the surface. But what most people miss is what is underneath that. There’s so much more to the human body than just thinking, oh, I can just outsmart it by eating less and then do that forever. And then that’s never gonna change. That’s No. 1.

The body depths, the body down regulates if the calorie deficit is more aggressive or it’s prolonged. This is on top of changes to your body just needing less energy the less you weigh. So those are two different things. And for both of these reasons, we can experience a plateau. So just as things down regulate, this is where people get confused when it comes to maintenance is systems can up regulate as well.

Now on top of that, when you think of a calorie deficit or maintenance, there are four different components of our metabolism, calorie output, and those are not static throughout life. If you look at a woman who has two toddlers and she’s staying at home all day chasing them around, her calorie output is going to be quite a bit different then the same person who does the same lifting routine eats the same way, and you put her at a desktop where she’s sitting for 10 hours a day and doing maybe a quarter of the amount of steps that she was otherwise. Her body is complex. It’s also smart as . So yes, it is about a calorie deficit, but you need to understand the system beneath that calorie deficit.