Simple Weight Loss Tips for Busy Moms: Expert Advice for Balancing Work, Family, and Health

Here are 10 simple weight loss tips for busy working moms who don’t have time to track calories or hit the gym every single day of the week. If you’re new here, hello, my name is Soraya and I’m a certified macro nutrition coach and I help women create simple, sustainable lifestyle changes so they can lose the weight and never, ever gain a bath.

No. 1, you don’t have to meal prep. Cuz you or your kids might not like leftovers, but you do want to make sure your meal planning, this means before the week starts, you have a list of the meals she’ll be making and the groceries needed to make those meals? Some of my clients will back prepare their protein in advance and then cook fresh every day, where some will just prep everything in advance and eat throughout the week. Either one works as long as you have a plan before Monday hits.

No. 2, always have healthy snacks on hand. You’re probably out in about a lot, and this ensures when you do get hungry, you’re not going through the Chick Blair McDonald’s drive through. You plan to have enough snacks on hand to hold you over till your next meal.

No. 3, incorporate daily movement and include your kids in it. For example, you can run a daily walk through kids, depending on their age. You can push them in a stroller, one of them can ride their bike or they can just walk with you. This is a great way to spend quality time while getting your steps in and showing them examples of what a healthy lifestyle looks like.

No.4, practice mindful eating. Try not to be on your laptop, on your phone while you eat, cuz it’s gonna take away from your brain processing the fact that you ate a meal and you should be full.

No. 5, make sure staying hydrated. Cuz oftentimes hunger is confused for thirst. So this ensures you’re not over indulging when really just needed some water. No. 6, practice smart grocery shopping. Do not enter the store without a list. I typically recommend having one day where you sit down and clean out the meal that you wanna have and write that list. Another day when you actually do the shopping and another day when you actually prep the food. This gives you the mental space to do everything properly without feeling overwhelmed.

No. 7, take active breaks during the workday. Don’t just take a break from the computer screen by sitting around. Go for a walk, stretch to yoga, just something to get you moving.

No. 8, set realistic goals. You should not be expecting this, 20 pounds in a month. It’s not gonna happen. Four to 8 pounds per month is a lot more realistic. But I highly recommend focusing on the habits over the weight. Cuz if you match the habits consistently, the weight will come off.

No. 9, make sure getting enough sleep. I know this can be hard when you’re a parent. You really wanna try to get in seven to 9 hours, but that’s hard for you. Create a set bedtime for you and your kids to make sure you get in bed as early as possible.

No.10, get help. As a busy working mom, you already have a lot in your plate. Looking up all this information about weight loss that’s not really specific to you is just adding more stress to your legs. Don’t even know if it’s gonna work. If you’re looking for more personal support and coaching so you can lose the weight and keep it off while still balancing work and home life. I would love to help. You can learn all about our coaching program up. But the link in my bio.