Unlocking the Secrets to Tangle-Free Hair: Tips for Maintaining Smooth Strands After Deep Conditioning

Your hair should not still be tangled after you wash your deep conditioner out. If it is, it’s a sign that something is going wrong. And here are three potential things which could be going on that you can fix so this stops happening for you immediately. No. 1, your ends are dead and need to be tripped.

If you take a look at Ruth and Yellow’s comment, should she mentions that her hair is getting tangled and knotted at the ends. Now that is a really clear sign that it’s likely that she’s do for a trim. As you know, your hair grows from your roots all the way to the end. So the hair at the ends of your strands are the oldest and the most damage. Due to regular wear and tear, those ends get damaged, potentially split. And when that happens, the cuticle is particularly raised in that makes it really prone to tangle. It ends getting split and damage is completely normal. And the way to manage that without allowing it to affect the rest of your hair and basically have that damage travel all the way up your strands. The way to manage that is to regularly trim your ends when you notice signs of damage to have still being tangled after you deep condition it without tangling being fixed at the end is a sure fire side that you are doing for a trip. That’s No. 1. No. 2, you’re not detangling your hair prior to deep conditioning.

Now this might sound a little bit controversial, but particularly if your hair is high prosty and already more prone to tangling, it’s really important to prepoe your hair and detangle it before you get in the shower, before you shampoo and condition. That way, you have the majority of the tangles out and your deep condition will actually be able to penetrate all of the areas of your strands with that being blocked by areas of tangles.

Now the key here, if you pre poo and detangle you have before shampooing is that you need to keep your hair in sections, maybe 6 or four chunky braids in order to keep your hair stretch. Because if your hair stays stretched, then it won’t tangle back up. If you wanna learn more about pre pooing, just drop a comment and I’ll do a follow up video.

Now, No. 3, and I mention this again because ruthenyalo mentioned hair is high prostate, high porosity. Hair is more prone to tangling than other eporty types because the cuticle itself is slightly more raised and therefore can easily snag with other strands. Now if you’re not using the right products for your high porosity hair, you might find that you’re gonna experience a lot of tangling, even though you deep condition. So need to look for deep conditioners that contain proteins which help block the gaps in your cuticles and smoother. You wanna look for conditioning agents that are very slippery, things like behetramonium chloride or behemomethic sulfate if your hair is on the finer side and you wanna make sure you’re rinsing your deep conditioner out with cool water because that helps close the cuticles, flatten them, and again, smoother strands. There’s gonna be less tangles.

Ruth and yellow. I hope this helps if anyone has any further questions, drop him in the comments. In particular, if you want me to go into more detail about pre pooing, happy to do that.