Dazzling Venues: How to Make Your Craft Party Business Stand Out and Thrive

One of the best things that you can do to grow your business as a craft party teacher is to make sure that your venues love you. Now, welcome to my series where we talk about that special four week window during the holiday season where we are going to make $10,000 this year teaching craft parties by taking small actions and learning a little bit every day. So let’s talk about venues and why it’s really important to have them absolutely adore you, wanna work with you and the things that you can do to make sure that they do.

Here are three things that I do as a craft party teacher. And your assignment is to think of a fourth thing that you could do. No. 1, the servers in your venue will make or break your business. Tip them well. Give them one of the crafts that you are making. Sing their praises to the rafters, because they’re the people who have management communication. If they love you, chances are your management willing to, No. 2, communicate with your venues.

This can look like an email that says, hey, Susan at XYZ Brewery, we’re a week out for my craft party. We’ve sold 20 tickets so far and it’s looking like we might sell out. Would you like me to reserve a ticket for you or a friend free of charge, those sorts of things go a long way to have them be like, this person’s awesome. We should definitely promote her and work with her again.

And No. 3, this is the most important to me. Make sure that you, a, clean up after yourself, and b, do not cause damage to the venue. If you’re working with glue or paint, cover the table. Bring a little hand broom and wet wipes. And let me know in the comments any other ideas that you have to make venues love you.