Navigating Relationships: Authentic Communication and Personal Growth

So the first question to all of you guys is, if we feel unhappy with each other, right? Let’s say you and this particular person get each other, is unhappy with each other. What would be the best way for you guys to talk about it? How would you have answered that question?

5. Why? Fine. And then, oh my God, fine. I, you know, you go toes, right? Go. But you know that fighting, we don’t control violence, but you know, sometimes fighting is okay. I have a.

Clarification. Is it a honest answer or is it cuz, you know, you said if we weren’t married, cuz there’s. I have a different real answer and I have a different answer, but I’ll try to get someone to marry me out.

Oh, no. Okay, okay, okay. Wait, I can wait. That’s a spicy. Wait. Okay, let me. Okay, wait a wait a minute. Okay, so I want honest answers. But remember, you’re talking to somebody you’re getting to know for marriage, right? And you’re asking them what would they would have been like if they were married. So if you’re unhappy, let’s say, okay, okay, I don’t condone switching up answers just to marry a guy because you don’t look crazy. When you marry this guy, you realize, no, I can’t. You’re cute and whatever, but you’re actually crazy, you know, thing, and I don’t want to have it to everybody, you know. So you really, it is a bit, it’s a big problem. You wanna be able to answer authentically. So you can find your authentic person. Are we just trying to marry any? Bob Abdullah and Ahemitch? Are we trying to marry any Abdullah? Are we trying to mirror our Mohammed? You know what I’m saying? Tell me something unexpected that is, that has changed about you in the last year. What has changed about you the last year?

I love how we’re always starting with nice. Like I love that. Summer, brother. We gotta go. I’m.

Alright. Nice, you always set the mood, though. You’re a good person. Okay.

Okay. Something unexpected. She’s a mom in the last year. I mean, okay, other than the haircut, yeah, long hair, you know, but I think I’ve noticed a lot of things change within my family dynamics. And I’ve noticed how I think, you know, families there an ever changing organism, like families are literally like a human body, like it doesn’t stay consistent, right? So things change, things adapt, things like, you know, like nothing is ever consistent, right?

So, hamdylana, I have a, you know, I have a good mother, I have good siblings, I have a good support system around me. And I’ve noticed that I’ve had to sort of be more involved directly with the family, sort of like, you know, mitigate issues as they come and be more of a, you know, figure.

I’m the youngest of my family. You know, I’m the youngest in my house. So for me to sort of step up into more of a role where, you know, people come to me for council keep, people come to me for advice, people come to me for a bunch of different things. And it’s nice because it’s a rule that you’re not necessarily ready, but like nobody says, oh, I wanna be like, you know, that patriarch of his family. I mean, we don’t like patriarchy, of course, you know, not on the digital system. We don’t like patchy, but you know, so nobody says I want to be the figurehead of, you know, what’s happening in my family. But, you know, it’s a rule that Charlotte, one day I wanna be capable for cuz, you know, I want, I wanna be the reason we set the tone moving forward. Like one thing I wanna consistently do, whether it’s with my family, whether it’s with my friends, whether it’s in any circle that I’m in, I wanna consistently set the tone. And I want to still let people know that, you know, other than, you know, being a follower of Islam, I don’t follow. I’d rather set the tone and lead than follow other people.

So I think we’re gonna start with Islam because you have to start with Barca, you know, say, so the first question under the category of Islam is, what is your favorite aya or chapter in order and why?


No, he did. You know, he loved. How can. No, I.

Don’t. There’s. So let me, let me start. I would say, first of all, I don’t think there’s ever like a point where something is my favorite and always stays my favorite is my favorite, you know. But I would say the Sura Bakra hold a special place in my heart. You know, when I first started getting serious about the Quran, I told my malum, like Alan, I wanna start from Suda Bahara. And he’s like, okay, cool. And I was reading the tufcia at the time, the story of Prophet Musa and the Binny Estra Ale and all of that. And it was just, I don’t know, it’s just, it was like a fresh start, you know, until this day, whenever I’m done, I listen surabapra. And fun fact, there’s a hadeep, whoever memorizes come on the day of judgment and intercede for you. Yeah, one of my favourite. I just, I don’t know, I just love it.

But yeah, generals definitely, but they could be switched around. I don’t think they need to be keen and like, oh, it has to stay this way or it’s the marriage is not gonna work, you know, and I’m big, I’m not gonna lie, you guys. I, you know, I would say I like to work. I like to make my own money, but I’m big on helping my significant other because I feel like two hands are better than one. What I say the upper hand is better than the lower hand. So in the day, this is your household. A lot of times when we look at mahir this, mahir that, money this, money that, we’re literally one body. This person is gonna be my Protection and I’m gonna protect him, right? The garment, the garment, right? So I don’t want my garment to be shaken. It. No, you don’t have to be shaking it, right? So it’s like you have to know your means and you have to know what your living standard is and what you could minimize. Yeah, so that you guys could get comfort. I think financial manipulation is when somebody takes and takes and takes knowing that you’re a giver, right? Yeah. You know, you knowing that you’re a giver, so.