Unlocking Educational Opportunities for Working Mamas: Guild Partnerships for Tuition Assistance

Did you know that certain companies will pay for your full tuition to go back to school, because I know I didn’t and I know I have a lot of working mamas on here. So that’s why I’m partnering with you, Guild. And you might be wondering like, well, what the heck is Guild is a career opportunity platform available through many companies for free as a benefit to their employees. Companies that like you wouldn’t even think of like Walmart, Target, Chipotle and even healthcare companies. So this applies to US healthcare care providers also. There are literally over 400 healthcare focus programs and that’s just healthcare. You could be a working parent like me, or you could just be in a point in your life for choosing to pursue a career just isn’t in your cart right now. And with busy schedules and expensive tuition doesn’t help. That guild is designed for us, for all of us, no matter where you’re at in your career, go check out guild.comslashwhat the heck to learn more about what Guild is and what it can mean for you.