Starting Over: Breaking Into a Tech Career Without a Degree

Here’s the thought I had on my morning walk, and I want to know what you think. So my thought was, what would you do if you had to start all over today from career perspective? Like, you had nothing to put on your resume, you had no college degree or at least not a degree that actually help you get employment. And you had to start all over knowing everything that you know now.

And I took some time to think about this, and I couldn’t come up with a better alternative for me than attempting to break into a tech job. Like for me specifically, I would look for a Salesforce job because I know quite a bit about that and I’ve helped about 1,000 people break into these jobs over the last two years. And I was trying to think, is there really any better alternative if you’re just looking at a stable career that pays really well, like six figures, 66 figures eventually, and you can get into fairly easily.

And I was thinking, well, a lot of people would say go to college, right? And I was thinking even an associate’s degree would be way more input than breaking into a tech job. Like a tech job is probably gonna cost you if you take the DIY approach, a total of about maybe 200,$250, and it’s gonna take about 300 to 400 hours of your time. And going in and getting an associate’s degree is gonna take you, you know, one or two years. Even if you fast track it, it’s gonna take a lot more than $250. And just the commitment, if you have to drive on campus or log in and take all these courses, like there’s so much that you have to do just to get an associate’s degree. And people get college degrees just for the hope that it will give them leverage and getting a job.

Now, what I’m talking about is actually going and getting the job instead of spending two years trying to get a degree hoping it’ll give me leverage, I’m gonna spend four to six months taking a few steps to help me actually land the job and start the career. And so I was wondering, do you guys have any better alternatives? Like right now, if you had to start over, you had nothing to put on your resume, no college. Agree. Nothing going for you, what would you do to put yourself in a position to have a good, stable career, solid income and hopefully a decent work life balance. If you could start over fresh today, just get started.