Energizing with Cheek Oil: Harnessing Vortex Energy for Spiritual Connection

Hey everyone, I’m gonna show you how the cheek oil works. So I have it all plugged in to the phone, which connects into the amplifier and I have it turned up and that makes it way stronger. And here’s a cheek oil and Amit copper. And I have the setting, the frequency right now on guard connection. And as you can see, it has many frequencies, oops, to choose from. And you can either have it set on one, so it just repeats the first one. You can have it set to all of them so they can repeat all whatever you want. And spiritual awakening, connection to higher power, increase spiritual awareness. That’s plain right now. So anyways, here’s my magnet. And as you can see, I have, I’m gonna have a hard time getting this off right now.

Safety pen. Sorry, it’s a little damage because when they clock together, they kind of like break cuz the it’s just so strong. But I wanted to show you know that this is a magnet. That’s why if I can get it to kind of whatever, I’ll just do it this way. So as you can see, I’m gonna get it to like start moving. And then as I get closer to the cheek coil, you’re gonna see it move. So right now it’s slightly moving. It like is a little vibration. And as I get closer, the preparation is gonna get stronger cuz of the vortex energy that’s coming out of the chic well and get closer. And as you can see, my hands not really, my hands not shaking. This is literally coming from the cheek. Well, it’s pretty intense. And then up off, right? Yeah. And I’ll drop it in there.