Unpacking the Realities of TikTok: A Cautionary Tale of the TikTok Shop, Affiliates, and Cybersecurity

What is going on with TikTok? You all are asking that in my direct messages. Let me tell you, all they care about is lives cuz it makes them money. And the TikTok shop, let’s talk about that. Even I fell for the free sample hook, line and sinker, and I knew better. Now don’t get me wrong, the products that I put in my showcase are still working today. I love them all and I use them.

But my phone got hacked. And because curiosity got the cat, which was me, I still have one more review to do and that’s on that many chainsaw thing that I thought would help me out in my yard, which it probably will, but we’re gonna find out. Just so you know, I have a lot of security on my phone with apps, Norton 360 and three others. Do you? Because if you’re selling this stuff and you don’t know the person that is sending you the sample, watch out. I had a call all three credit report agencies and now there’s a freeze on my credit. I had to update all my security apps on this phone. All for what? A free product. Cuz you sure don’t make money on this thing unless you push that product every day, not jump from one product to another product. If you’re selling a mini chainsaw, you should probably push that mini chainsaw for a good month to make money. So buyers will buy.

That being said, I’m out. I’m not doing the TikTok affiliate program. I’m not doing the TikTok shop. I’m not doing the TikTok showcase. That will all be deleted after all my things are done with the sellers. I can make $30 in two months.

Another way, also, I did research on TikTok lives, why they’re pushing that so much and they’re only pushing it to people that have over 100 k followers. If you look in the rankings at the top 100 people that do lives and are in the rankings, their following count is above 130 followers. So us people that are below that in followers, they’re not thinking of us. And that explains a lot. And I can show you that.

But this video is getting kind of long. So if you want to know more, follow our Toyota 45. This is what I do. I teach TikTok. I alert you with problems that I find. And I even got my phone hack for y’all that deserves a follow, don’t you think? Hello, y’all. Have a great Tuesday. It is hot in here in Florida and I am going to the pool because I can’t even talk anymore. Love your. Bye.