Blooming Beauty: My Positive Birth Story

My positive birth story. Gonna be telling you guys my positive birth story. So many of you guys were asking me about my birth story and I’ve never mentioned anything. Like, I honestly can’t complain. Like, it was so beautiful. I’m about to be three months postpartum. Okay, so first I’m gonna go ahead and do my bloom. I’m gonna do the pineapple flavor. They’re currently having Amazon Prime Day sales right now. So you guys need to take advantage of it. I do take this and I feel like it’s honestly helped me so much with like my bloating, especially like postpartum. So go get yours. Loom greens just help your everyday gut health. It has prebiotics, probiotics, veggies, fruits, literally everything you need. It tastes so good. It doesn’t even feel like you’re taking any greens. But you put one Scooby, their greens are literally 38% off right now. You guys see 8% off. So you guys need to go stock up. So good.

I’m almost done to start off the story, it was April 20th. It was around eight PM we were home. My husband and I decided to go to the hospital because I was having red coming out from down there for like a couple of days now. I had gotten checked like a week before I went to the hospital and the doctor did say I was 1 cm dilated. He told us that the baby can come anytime. So I just wanted to go get checked because I was like, okay, I’ve been, you know, having that down there for a couple of days. I don’t wanna like something to happen. So I just wanted to be safe. We already had everything packed. We grabbed our bags. We headed over to the hospital. We got there probably like around nine thirty PM on April 20th. And so we went inside. When they checked me there at the hospital, I was already 4 cm dilated. But I had been having no pain, no contractions that I was feeling. On the monitor, it did say that I was having contractions like pretty constantly, but I myself was in no pain at all. So that was pretty strange. It was pretty cool. I was already 4 cm daily, so I was like a little bit happy about that. The only symptoms I had was obviously spotting down there and also my mucus plug had came out. But the crazy thing is that when we were in the room and after they checked me, my water literally broke out of nowhere. So I was so thankful that I was already at the hospital because it made things is so much more faster. So my water broke when we were there getting checked and she told me, wow, you’re 4 centimeter just dilated. You’re contracting and then your water just broke. So we’re gonna go ahead and admit you like we’re gonna have a baby today. And Richie and I were like, oh my gosh, like we’re gonna have a baby. Like it’s so crazy.

They officially admitted us and we got to our officially delivery room like around ten thirty PM the doctor came in and thank God that it was our regular OB. He was on the clock. So I was like so thankful. I literally prayed every single time that the doctor that delivered my baby was my regular OB and he basically recommended me to get on petosin because petosin will speed up the contractions, get them stronger since my water had broke already. It is a risk to get an infection when your water breaks. They want you to deliver the baby as soon as possible. I was like, okay, let’s start on Potosin. So we start on Potosin until like 12 a. M. So it was basically getting closer to April 21st at this point. But the baby’s heart rate was fluctuating a lot. So the doctor decided to stop me off petosin.

At this point, I was still not having any like pain. I could feel more pressure down there, but I was having no pain. Contractions were still constant, but the baby’s heart rate was kind of fluctuating.

So we stopped petosin from like around 12 a. M. The doctor said he would come back around 5 a. M. To 6 a. M. To check on me again and see if we can start on Petosan again. But they still weren’t gonna be checking me down there because obviously my water was broken so they didn’t wanna like cause an infection. So it was the next day around 5:00am the doctor got back to the, our room and he said, all right, well, baby’s heart rate is back to normal. We’re gonna go ahead and try patasin again and see how the baby does, how your body does, and kind of just hire the ptosan as needed. And so we started doing that around 5 or 6 in the morning. As soon as they started me out Tosen, I was feeling a little bit more pressure. It probably got until like 9:00am. And then they came in the room, they checked me down there again and I was now 5 cm dilated, almost 6 cm dilated. And the nurse basically told me, if you’re gonna get a pedural, right now is the time.

I know you’re not in pain, but like if you get to a point when you’re really in pain and you want that the girl, it might be harder to get it. So I was like, you’re right. Like I’m not gonna wait to the point where I’m just like in this scrutiny pain. If I got to that point because I’ve heard stories were, you know, sometimes you don’t even feel them. But I was not in pain. I was not feeling contraction is like I was just feeling a lot of pressure but nothing painful. But I just went ahead and decided to still do the epidural. I just wanted to be in the moment really with everything going on. So then they came in, put the epidural when I was almost six leaders dilated. At this point, it was around twelve PM and so I basically after that just slept throughout my whole like delivery time. They would rotate me every two hours, but they weren’t checking me down there because I didn’t want to cause an infection. And I had the peanut ball in between my legs to help dilate. But I was literally just sleeping through the hours every single time they would, I was just, oh, they’re back again. Like, it felt like so fast after I got the epidural because I was just napping. The time went by so fast ever since I got my epidural, up until like four thirty PM, around four thirty PM I felt something really strange that down there. I called the nurse and I told them that I needed to push. I felt like something just down there, like ready to come out. So I told them to come. They called in the doctors and after a couple of pushes, my baby Ezekiel was born. He was born at exactly four fifty PM on April 21st. And it was such a beautiful experience. I loved every single part of it. And if I would go back in time and get the epidural, I would 100% get it again. And I was in no pain throughout my whole delivery experience. And I got to hold my baby. I got to deliver the way that I wanted to. And it was just so beautiful.