Maximize Your Apartment Lease: Why Signing a Long-Term Lease in Peak Season Makes Financial Sense

If you are signing anybody’s apartment lease this month or next month, please make it a long lease, 13 to 15 months. It is peak lease and season and prices do not drop until late fall. So if you are signing at least in July, August, the longer the lease is, the better it is for you because when it’s time for at least renewal, your rent is either gonna go down or if you don’t wanna stay at the property that you currently are signing, at least for wherever you move to is gonna be way cheaper.

Okay, trust me, I’m an apartment locator. I locate for all over Texas. If you need help looking for an apartment, just click that link in my bio, fill out that consultation form, and I will send you a list of properties just like that. And because this is the summertime, I will make sure all the properties that I send to you have specials. Okay? Because the rent is ridiculous right now. It is crazy.