Apartment Hunt Adventure: From Property Finder App to Key Exchange

Let’s do a little play by play on exactly how I got my apartment and the whole process start to finish. So when on the Property Finder app, I typed in the area that I want and I found this apartment and I messaged the realtor through the Property Finder app. They’ll redirect you to WhatsApp. I went in to go see a viewing with the realtor, with my friend. Then he showed us some other units in the building because the whole building is owned by a property management firm, and there was a lot more availabilities. And I found my favorite apartment and I told him, let me just chill for a sec, sleep on it, and I’ll let you know tomorrow.

The next day. I told him I really liked it. I wanted to go see it again. So we went to go see it again. I really liked it. Then we started the whole paperwork. First thing I did is sign a bunch of forms and then sent in the security deposit, which is fine, 5% for unfurnished or 10% for furnished. I paid 5% and you sign over the lease agreement, then you pay agency fees, which is minimum 5%, but it could go up to 9%. Then because I’m paying in four checks, I had to give him three checks that were post dated. And then I sent over the first payment by bank transfer cuz it’s a property management company. They did the agori for me. They did the do all for me. I just have to pay the deposit, then I get the keys on the 18th, which is Thursday. It’s really super simple. But I do know a lot of people go through hell finding an apartment. I just locked out. I don’t know. So good luck.