Protecting Our Children Online: Joining the Brave Movement to End Online Abuse

I’m very cautious about the content that I share of my daughter online, which is why I haven’t revealed her name or shown her face on camera. I’m not trying to pretend she doesn’t exist. She’s an incredibly important part of my life. But I am concerned about her digital footprint and protecting her identity online.

Nowadays, with the prevalence of social media in our everyday lives, child exploitation is all too common. Unfortunately, kids are easily taken advantage of and that can look like anything from financial exploitation all the way to . That’s why I’m teaming up with the Brave Movement, a survivor centered global movement fighting to end childhood sexual violence to promote their upcoming film, beyond the Screen, Hidden Voices of Online Abuse raises awareness about online sexual violence by highlighting experiences of four survivors from around the world. And it can be viewed at brave To learn more, watch the documentary and the petition calling for stricter legislation or to get involved, visit their website. We can all do more to help protect children online.