Unpacking the Injustices of the Criminal Justice System: A Deep Dive into Sentencing Disparities and Prison Conditions

That’s what’s going on. Want to talk about what is like, what the is wrong with your justice system? Why are drug dealers against slammed with massive sentences for something people ask for? Drugs? Yeah, I understand it ruins people’s lives and whatnot and this and that. But people ask for them. People want them as a marker for it. No one wants to be. Right. No children want anything done to them that no one asks for, that there’s no markup for that. That’s just pure sick in their head. Like you deserve to be if you do any of that. That’s disgusting. Yet the time differences between them charges. So you get done for a child’s surcharge. You might be looking at luck for a month. Luck, , who knows? Maybe 2 years.

MX, my 58, just got out from Dawn, almost seven years for conspiring to sell a kilogram of. I saw something. So conspiracy, they didn’t have no product, they didn’t have messages, whatever. That was just watching him for a bit. And I just thought that this is what it was up to. How did they know? As a killer, it could have been an ounce. It could have been anything. How did I, nose, eyes, like, you know what I mean? But anyway, obviously I knew a little bit extra and he got down for it and he got his time for it, but he done a very long time for it. And he’s suffering. You know, he’s mentally , he’s mentally struggling. And Joe does that. But yeah, what’s the ? Like, seriously, something needs to be done. Realistically, something needs to be sorted about this because these people who are going around doing these future dirty, scummy acts are getting off so lightly. Most of them don’t go to jail. And you know what? Their names don’t get brought up on the news when I have things, the names get hidden. Yeah, a drug deal against time for something, their name is plastered all over the news and they’re doing a big time, very long time in jail, right, man, I think we’re backwards. We’re a bit twisted.

Another thing I forgot to mention was I met X female prison officer at Russell Mans’s wake and she said that, like, cuz I asked her, I said, there’s been a few times where in the main we have caught boys out who have been done for them charges. So when they come in, do they have a choice to go to the main or do I have to get sent straight to the bone yard, like straight to smack or na or whatever situation is. Then she said if they’ve been done for them, future charges, they have no choices but to be sent straight to detection, usually na or LA, but sometimes they can be sent to snap as well. For those who don’t know, snap is just the boneyard. That’s more of a place where people go. That’s normal p Protection. Where people go where they’re just scared or just like, you know, they’ve gotten to a situation and maybe they’ve got beaten up and the prison officers said, listen, mate, we’re gonna have to put you there. And they’ve gone there. You don’t have to go there. You can tell them now I’m not going there. But a lot of people will just go there. But each to their own, whatever.

But then you got LA that’s a limited association where you’re only allowed to associate with a certain amount of people. And then you got na, which is like the boneyard of the boneard, where the child sex offenders go and the future of the future would go where you. And that’s non association. So you cannot associate with anyone, you cannot be around anyone. So you’re made sure that you are not gonna get touched. No one’s gonna say you touch, you, speak to you, nothing. Same as limited association. That’s where all the putrids go as well.

But what I was trying to get at was this girl said that she worked in a few of them units of where their people are and they have extra privileges. Then the people who are in the main, so the people who, you know, just go in for drugs or whatever. Also, you know, the drug and charges or whatever. She said, they trial sex offenders and sex offenders and this and that have more privileges than just the average blow in jail.

Here’s a only logical explanation I can think about. That is the government are just so filthy that people have found a way around having to pay tax and having to go work and slave and bus. There are some pay all these tax that they’re just handing out these massive sentences to try and stop them doing all that to get them to come work and start paying more tax. Grady. I don’t know. That’s the only thing I can think.