Loop: The Matchmaking App for Setting Up Your Friends and Connecting with New People

For what is.

Loop is a matchmaking app. So it’s an app where everyone can set up their friends. It is a matchmaking app. My father, who’s happily married to my mother, is on it. So it’s not a dating app. It’s not just for single or even.

A. That’s a good distinction right there that I’ve never even thought of. Matchmaking versus dating app. Okay.

Loop goes back to this idea that if you were to take everyone in your life and ask them, who do you know who I may enjoy meeting? They probably know someone pretty great for you. And so we basically built an app for that. The way loop works is you sign up, you say if you would like to receive matches, or if you’re just there to set your friends up. From there you connect with the people who you know and invite new ones as well. And then what the app allows you to do is flow. I can see who you know and ask you for introductions. So, you know, the idea is look like people set up their friends, but often it’s hard to have these conversations. It’s hard to say, hey, flow, do you want to be set up?

Or even, oh, I see your friends with this person. Can you set me up?

Exactly. So it takes away the social friction. And then you know better than what I just described. It’s not only about me being set up by you or setting you up, but also I could set up one of my friends with one of your friends. So it’s first and second degree.