The Healing Power of Cancel Culture: Embracing Catalysts for Personal Growth and Unity

Cancel culture, as painful as it is to witness for certain people, is the catalyst towards becoming whole. So nobody just gets cancelled for nothing, right? It is usually a catalyst, whether deserved or undeserved, right? It’s less about that. But you know, of course, from the karmic perspective, especially for in the end times, there is nothing that is truly on desert. There is nothing that is truly random. Everything is extremely well orchestrated. But all of these things, you know, the ability for any human being on social media to receive all these comments and really check in with themselves. Sir, very quickly, is promoting a lot of healing. And I’m not saying that it is an easy process. No. It can be extremely depressing because, you know, there are keyboard warriors and trolls and everybody else, right? It could be a very painful process towards, you know, the unity within, but it could be a healing experience.