Design Sisters Special Deal: Buy 10, Get 10 Free on Screen Prints Today and Tomorrow!

What’s up, guys? This is Erica at Design Sisters. But I wanted to come and tell you guys about today and tomorrow’s deal. Literally today we have by 10, get 10 on the website for screen prints only. You guys can literally grab 20 screen prints and only pay for 10 of them. Do have to put 20, increments of 20 in your cart, I’m sorry, increments of 10 in your cart in order for the code to work. So all of our new prints and old prints, you guys can get by 10. Get 10 for free. And even the ones that you guys would have been having your iPhone ain’t no family like the one I got. Yeah, I had someone that just order 50 of these. They won’t play no games. So let me tell you guys to put 20 in your card and then use the code B, the letter B10 and G tier.