Summertime Realizations: Why It’s Just Hot, Not the End of the World

Just fix it. I swear if I hear one more person or I see one more person post about, oh, my God, why this is so hot, it’s the end of the work. Shut up. You want, you wanna know why it’s so hot? Let me tell you. Rose up. It’s summertime. Oh, that’s it. It’s summertime. Happens every year. It gets cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Can you all just relax a little bit? Not everything is the end of the world. She’s, you know what? I don’t even know why you’re so hot anyway. You got all that shade around you, that relationship you’re in with that shady person, you know, the one you keep trying to hug, the red flags out of that one. I. Oh, do you laundry too clean your belly button. Gross. I’m so hot all the time. So hot every year.