Back-to-School Rush and Random Shopping Adventures: A Mama’s Story

I cannot believe that I have to register my kids for school tomorrow. Where the heck did this summer go? My kids go back to school next week. I’m gonna be so lonely without them. They’re pretty much set for school, but we have to get a few odds and ends. So we are heading into marshals. Also, I am trying to refrain from buying anything for the new house, but my word is so hard. And what is this Halloween nonsense they already have out. I did get some new towels because patients don’t know how to wash clothes and she doesn’t bleach the gray towels she bought. I got the kitties a new little tower thing cuz they don’t scratch the other one all the heck. The kids pretty much just needed socks and undergarment and marshals has the best stuff for cheap. Also went over to five below because the kids need headphones for school and $5, y’all, you can’t beat that. Also, they have some of the most disgusting looking snacks I’ve ever seen in my life. Who would eat range cotton candy? And don’t you dare say you because you’re a lion. Anyways, the kids are super excited, but I’m kind of bummed I’ll be back to being all alone again. Poor old mama.