Healing Hashimoto’s: Understanding the Three Key Areas for Transformation

Hey, beautiful soul. So during my healing journey to help my Hashimoto’s, there are three grand areas that I discovered we’re holding the Hashimoto’s stuck and proliferating it. No. 1 was obviously physical body health. So for Hashimoto’s and all auto immune issues is really digestive health and, you know, what your metabolic sin system is, how well it’s functioning. So definitely fixing your gut so that you are processing your food efficiently. There’s no, you know, extra bad bacteria, fungus or viruses rolling around in your lower intestines. You know, you wanna make sure that your digestive system is functioning at its best. You don’t want leaky gut syndrome. You don’t want anything going on with your digestive system. So healing your gut is No. 1 to helping you to overcome any auto immunity, and especially Hashimoto’s.

No. 2 was emotional trauma. I know for me and for most of my clients, thyroid issues, if you have Hashimoto’s, thyroid issues are all around. Afraid to speak up for yourself, feeling like you don’t deserve to be heard, those kind of issues. That’s what the thyroid deals with, is your vocal capacity and being heard and feeling like you deserve it.

And then the last thing was really the mental and emotional, or not just, sorry, not the mental and emotional. The mental aspect is all around your beliefs that feed into that emotional woe is me attitude of I’m not good enough. So if you put all of those things together and you can start working on fixing your mental and emotional trauma that got you there. And I will say this, is just willing yourself to think, nope, I’m good. I got this. I can speak my voice. I feel like I deserve it. Just pretending might eventually get you somewhere along the road. But what I’ve Learned in my own journey is that disease leaves in the reverse order it is obtained, and I’ve done videos about that. Definitely go check them out. However, when you’re dealing with auto immunity and Hashimoto’s is, you need to be fixing your gut at the same time as you’re fixing the mental and emotional baggage. But you have to start chipping off that mental and emotional baggage that may be the triggers of that issue. One at a time, in chronological order, in reverse. So you’re living your life here. But I know for me, my Hashimoto started way down when I was a teenager and I hit puberty and I’d already been living in a house full of all kinds of mental and emotional chaos and upset and overwhelm. And so that, you know, for me, hitting me or hitting, you know, my hormonal peak really kind of created an issue and it just threw everything out of wax. So you have to figure out what we call in the health and wellness industries, you’re never been well issue. When did it all start to fall apart? For me, it was at 15. You know, yours could have been in your 20s, in your 30s. But whenever you feel like your auto immune issues started, go back. Clear the way. Cuz you can’t empty out your cup by dumping it all out. It just doesn’t work that way. It’d be like me trying to go the bathroom without opening, you know, my office door and then the bathroom door and, you know, going down the hall, you have to clear things in a chronological order. That’s how the life force works. So if you’ve been to a practitioner and they’ve said, well, we’re just gonna fix that. Never been well issued. Cuz I’ve been there. And then you try to fix that issue, but you have all these other roadblocks in the way, you don’t actually resolve the issue fully. And that’s why you’ll just keep going in circles. So I hope that this makes sense. Fix your gut, resolve the mental and emotional baggage that is also holding that stuck in your body, and you will finally be free of your auto immune issues. If you have any questions, you know, leave a comment and or head over to my website. Let’s book a free chat and figure out where it is your stuck in your healing journey and how to finally make a big jump forward so you can get some relief.