James Avery Grove Charms and Bracelets Haul: Featuring Sunflowers, Turtles, and Faith

Hey, boo. I just got home from James Avery Grove. You didn’t know? Right now they have a sale that if you buy two charms, you get a free bracelet, necklace or anklet. Nobody won’t, I don’t wanna say nobody, but most people don’t know that the anklet is included. But I asked and it isn’t clear because I indeed got it. But let me show you what I got. So this is my turn bracelet that I’ve been working on for the past like four or five years, six years I think. But girl, I spent way too much. But it was worth it because it’s a sale. Like they only do this once a year, but this is the first trim that I got.

This one’s gonna go in my inlet. This is a mini sunflower, but that is how it looks. Can you see it? That’s that one. And then this one is, this is an ankle. This is a free one. So they have the one with the heart, but the one with the little heart, you can only put the charms on the little heart. So I didn’t like that cuz I want it all throughout. But this is a little anklet. It’s just the standard one. But this is how it looks. And I haven’t put my charms on just yet because their waiting time is ridiculous. It’s like a week. But I understand cuz you know the sale, so I’m just gonna wait till it dies down to go put my charms.

But this is the other one that I got. I don’t know, but I got this one from my anklet as well. It’s the little turtle. It’s so cute, but I’m still debating. I just got them, you know, for the promotion right now. And if I change my mind, outdoor returning is something else. But that’s for my inlet, those two. And then this one is my favorite. It says faith over fear. Can you see that? It is so cute. I love it. So this one’s gonna go on my trim bracelet. And then this one’s my favorite. This is me and a charm. If you know me personally, you know I love Doctor Pepper. Any girl, my mom hooked it up with the Doctor Pepper charm. This is so, mom, I’m so excited. This one’s also going on my trim bracelet as well. And then since I got 4 charms, I did get this bracelet free. So I got the anklet and then this bracelet. I got this one in a small just because I have this one and I wanted something to like, you know, match with it and not like get in the way. Cuz they did have the medium one and it fit good, but it kept sliding down and I want something that’s not gonna move, but this one is so cute. I don’t plan to put any terms on this one, but you can put them just on the hearts, just because the little links here are small. But make sure you go get your charms right now, girl. Cuz it’s very like this is the only sell. Like, I thought they weren’t gonna do it this year cuz they usually do it for around like Mother’s Day, but they didn’t do it around that time. So it was very surprising when they did it. And I was like, oh my God, yes, let me get it. So running goal, get shoes if you haven’t already.