Unlocking Wealth: Embracing an Abundance Mindset by Seeing Everything as Free

Me, everything is free. If you wanna make a lot of money in your life, you probably need to believe that as well. That might be one of the most degenerous sentences you’ve heard today. But hear me out. All of my friends can attest that if you hang around me, one of the most common phrases I say daily is, that’s free, or it’s basically free. And this isn’t just for things that are like $10. I say this about things that are five, 10, even 20 grand. I don’t wanna sound like another one of those gurus just yapping about the whole abundance mindset, but that’s kind of what it is for me. Even when I was poor in May, $10 an hour, when I saw something that could benefit my life, I would say it’s basically through, especially if I could see how buying this thing would save me more time to make more money or save me more money directly or make me more money directly. Because I understand that money is literally not valuable unless you are using it to exchange it for something of value or to light it on fire and keep yourself. Money has no other use than that, and that’s why.