Becoming Plastic-Free: A Day in the Life of Sustainable Living

Little after 4 in the morning and it’s day 4 of plastic free week. I started the day with some ramen that I took home in my own container and an Irish breakfast latte. Every day around 6 a. M. I look forward to the sun rising and I open my, even though I was working from home, I make it a point to make my bed because I feel a lot more put together. And throughout this plastic free week, I hadn’t flossed my teeth once, but they were getting really gross. So I just decided to floss them. For a snack, I added some rice and an egg to my ramen broth.

During my lunch break, I ran a mile, I did laundry, and I realized that some of my clothes are polyester. So it’s not during this plastic free week, if I run out of anything that’s a single use plastic, I’m doing my best to replace it with a plastic free alternative. So when my conditioner ran out, I decided to buy a bar. The only thing is, it was actually a shampoo bar. I did this while I was on the clock because it counts as work. Because this is a story I’m doing for NPR. I then had a one on one with my new manager. I have a new manager.

Before getting ready for the second and third legs of my triathlon, I usually use a single use electrolyte mix, and I decided to make my own with a splash mango juice and some salt.

When I’m swimming, I feel like I spit so much chlorine out of my mouth. So it just makes me much more dehydrated than any other sport. Also, I can’t tell when I’m sweating, which probably also further dehydrates me. So I like to have both a juice and a little water when I swim, but something happened to my shoe. I think like it was so hot on the asphalt that like it melted the glue of my shoe. I then took a shower and composted my hair. Bringing this to work will make me self conscious. Oh, that’s nasty. That’s so gross.

I had a healthy dose of French fries before meeting my friend Maya for drinks. Frozen Pineapple Mart from El Presidente, a must try. I walked comb and then ate some chicken and plastic. I mix together some buffalo and ranch to make buffalo ranch. It was a lovely little snack before my dessert of sour candy with extra sour powder, which by the way, absolutely changed my life. Overall, I spent $32,15 of them were on the shampoo bar. And this was all of my waste for the day. See you tomorrow.