Exploring Self-Discovery: Unveiling the Significance of North and South Placement, Rising Sign, Moon Sign, and Highest Degree Planet in Your Astrological Chart

The four most important area that you need to focus on if you’re trying to learn more about yourself. No. 1 is the placement of the north and south. No, they’re going to tell you what past karmic debts you have, what you’re intended to accomplish in this lifetime. They are so important, and they often bring us the most trouble in this life. No. 2 is your rising sign is the manifestation of who you are in this lifetime, and it can also tell you what you gave up or what you lacked in a past lifetime, and therefore you’re accomplishing now. No. 3 is your moon sign. Your moonsign is going to tell you all about how you filter the world around you, how you deal with your emotion. And No. 4 is the highest degree planet in your chart, which will tell you what your soul desires to accomplish.