Generous Gesture: Donating 1,000 Honey Garlic Chicken Meals to the Homeless Community

How much for your honey garlic chicken? Honey garlic chicken, $14 in ¢99. Can I get 1,000 meals? I want to buy 1,000 meals today. I want to give them out to the homeless. Think we can do that? Let me go and check. I want to get 1,000 of them right now. It’s you. In a couple of hours. Is this your place? Yes, exactly. Oh, my God. This is for a special location. Yeah, we wanted to give it back to the community, helps the families out. So let me donate with you. What do you mean? So let me donate 1,000 meals myself. And I donate 1,000 meals. Before you go back to community.

Thousand meals. Are you ready for it? Let’s do it, man. Alright, let’s do it. We’re thinking of giving away 1,000 meals. What do you think? Should we do it? Yes. Hey, Benny, I got a question for you. What’s the best tip you’ve ever received? The best tip? Whatever comes to mind, probably $1,000. Thousand bucks. It’s just something I made up. Oh, it never happened to. No. What would you do with $1,000? Probably use it to. I get a drink for rent. Yes. If that’s the case, Benny, I got $1,000 cash for you. Well, thank you, Zach. I’m not sure what my mom and dad are going to think about this. Tell them a kind customer wanted to tip you because you work really hard.

Yeah, you can give you hug many chance. Yes, love you. Love it. Yeah, let’s go make people’s day. We’re giving away free food. Oh, give any kids. I have five. I got 20 meals for you. Oh, my. Thank you. How many kids you got? Three. I got 20 meals for you.

Thank you so much. We’re giving away free food today. All right. Yeah, thank you. How many brothers and sisters? You got all excited? I got 20 meals for you. Sure. Thank you, bro.

We’re handing our free meals today. Did you guys like free meals? I’m gonna give you two meals. Can I give you a few meals? Yes, we’re giving away free meals today. Oh, thank you so much. How many family members you got? 10. I got 20 meals here for you. What? Oh, thank you so much. So where are you from? Love you, bro.