Enhancing Shadows and Highlights: A Guide to Improving Drawing Techniques

To improve this drawing submitted by Kushi says, I can’t draw the ears and the face and the shading seems off. It’s really good that you added this shadow in here showing that the light is coming from the top left. I would just clear it up a bit more because even though this looks like it’s one shadow, this part is in shadow because the turning of the mouth. This part is in shadow because of turning of the face, and this part is in shadow because the nose is standing in the way of the light. And all these shadows create the shapes of light that are important to show in your painting.

And I like this cyan light that you’ve added in the shadows that’s coming from the back ground. I would just add it in the whole shadow and the edge of the hair. And even though the light of the face looks orangish, if you look at the highlights, they have this pink hue. That’s because there’s a purple light that’s shining on all of the sides of the face and hair that are pointing up. So I’ll grab this purplish color and press very lightly to add the highlights in the face and hair as well. So this reference might look easy, but there’s one main yellow light that’s creating the shadow, a second cyan light that’s coloring the shadow, and a third purple light that’s creating the highlight. This is why the shading might feel confusing. Finally, I would add this curve to the eye and simplify the ear. And these are the shapes that I always follow. Hello. And this is before and after. Did we improve this drawing?