Random Acts of Kindness: Coffee Edition

Gonna go pick up gene some Duncan and then also I have to go to Pilates. So I’m gonna get that after Pilates and I’m just gonna drop it on her doorstep for a little Happy Friday treat. I don’t actually have any idea what she drinks, so I guess I’ll just get her something and then I’ll be like, did you like it? A medium iced tri latte, a blueberry doughnut, medium mango pineapple refresher and that’ll be it. Alright, so . Perfect. See you too.

Hi to you sweet darling coffee flesh your heart. I was stopping at Duncan for me and will and I thought I might bring you one, too. A large. Great. Thank you. I bloated up this morning. Yeah, look, showers, ice, so I didn’t wanna just leave it sitting here. Oh, yeah, that’s fine. Okay, I just have to push the button all the way in. Well, have a good day. I have to go back to work. Oh, bless you, joy. You have to work all the time. I know. Have a good weekend.