From Thistle Patch to Salad Garden: A Transformation Story

This is a story of how I took a thistle patch and turned it into a salad garden that I harvest from almost every day. First step is to remove the thisel’s root with lots of coarse sand, some compost, break all that in, make sure the soil is nice and porous. How approves? These are my favorite seeds. They’re called Rocky. I spread the seeds all over and water them in well covered the bed. Then I wanted to make sure that no pests got in. So I use these super hoops as well as this garden mesh. I use landscape pins to attach every single corner so nothing can get in. I used a huge watering can and was determined to water every single day. Within 10 days, it looked like this. It started to come up. I kept watering day after day, and by day 25 or 30, I was ready for my first salad garden harvest. I harvested from the salad garden for 50 to 60 days and had the best salads. Then the plant started to bolt, so we just cut the plants at the root level, added some compost and started all over again. I made a salad garden course to help you do this, too, and you can get it for free in the caption.