Title: The Greedy Egregore of Coffee: How it Feeds off Your Energy and Life Force

Egargore, for those of you that don’t know, is an energetic structure of something. And coffee certainly has a huge aggregor. So every person drinking coffee or thinking about coffee or craving coffee or, you know, exchanging their energy with coffee is contributing to that egarore or the collective energy structure of the product.

So the coffee aggregor is very greedy. It’s a greedy aggregor. It is an egregore that, yes, it does met manipulate. It’s able to manipulate the energy in your body in a way that it enables you to borrow you from your future energy reservoirs, and then it also takes a commission off of what it enables you to borrow, so kind of like a trader. And it usually takes about a 30% commission. So if you’re borrowing, I don’t know, 100 items of energy, I’m using items very like a hundred points of energy or whatever. And then coffee is gonna take 30% roughly for itself.

So it is an Egar’s that is quite hungry and it is not a pro humanity aggregor, meaning it is an energy structure that is somewhat parasitic in nature. And because of that actually feeds up, it feeds off of your life force, right? Because when we, energy is life force, right? So when we borrow our own energy, we essentially borrow our future life force. And that is what the aggregor of coffee feeds off of. There are other aggregors that feed off of your life force, but coffee is certainly a hungry one, and it does create this addictive type of behavior so that it can keep you in the loop.